Monday, 26 February 2007

Here we are again another week has passed and although we missed placing a blog page last week we have a lot of news to post this time around.

We are pleased to announce that the Book of Jeraneck is complete and that we are now just awaiting the delivery of the books themselves. The Book of Jeraneck is to be used as a companion to the Book of Mormon and the Bible it stands as a further Testimony of Jesus Christ. It has been a hard long road but the Lord has blessed us with the swift completion of the printing. We would like to thank all those that were involved with the publishing and the printing of the books. We would like to thank Wesley and the countless others at Print on demand for all his hard work and his perseverance. We would like to thank the Lord God for his hand of guidance and his willingness to help his people bring about this marvellous work. The Latter Day Church of Christ would like to welcome all those who wish to know about this great work to please contact our offices and ask to speak to one of our representatives who will be more than happy to speak to you.

The Church is due to move in to its new building within the next couple of weeks. It will be a dedicated place where we can worship and come together in praise of the Father and the Son. The prophet announced this in our meeting last week. When he announced it all present said that they felt the Holy Spirit bare witness that the Lord himself was with us in that very meeting, the Prophet said, “The time has come my brothers and sisters for the church to move into its own building. We have laboured hard and we have done all that the Lord has asked of us. The road has been hard. Many have tried to pull us down to the very pits of hell, but we have bore witness of what we are doing, that the work that we are about is true. I know that the Lord wishes his saints to worship and to praise him in a place befitting the sacrifice that we have made. I ask you all now to work with us to make this new home a place that the lord would be comfortable in, a place of hope and refuge form the coming storms, for they are coming and they are coming with great force to try and destroy the very work that we are doing. God bless you my friends and may our new home be as good to us as this one is. May God bless and keep you”

We are so grateful that God has blessed us with this new wonderful opportunity. I was at the meeting last week and I can testify now that our Prophet Matthew Gill is called of god and that he is receiving revelation form God. There is so much work ahead and we welcome all those that won’t to help to come and help build the kingdom of Zion. Come listen to a modern Prophet of God who walks the earth today.

If you wish to find out more you can contact us on the following email

Alternatively you can call us by phone on 01283 735 705 or you can write to us at:

55 Sherbourne Drive
DE65 5NJ

We hold regular Sunday meetings at the above address which are open to all they commence at 10 o’clock and end at one o’clock all are welcome so please feel free to come along.

May god bless your week

Monday, 12 February 2007

It is truly a wonderful opportunity that we have to speak to the world through this blog site. We have had a truly wonderful couple of weeks. We have been blessed with further revelation and we are truly thankful for the Lord and his presence within The Latter Day Church of Christ.

This week I have been asked to state our position on Stonehenge, what with all the publicity on the television this week. Our Prophet has asked if we can make The Latter Day Church of Christ's position on Stonehenge clear. So where do we stand?
The Latter Day Church of Christ's position is simple we know through modern day revelation and scripture that Stonehenge is a very special place. We know that Stonehenge was the temple of The People of Light spoken of in the Book of Jeraneck. We know that around about Stonehenge or not to far from it lived a thriving community of people who worshipped the Saviour and held him as there one true God. The Latter Day Church of Christ are privileged to have all this knowledge through the Book of Jeraneck and we know that Stonehenge is a very special and place. We know that it was last used as a temple for the worship of God by the Prophet Jeraneck and his people and that he was martyred there by the worshippers of the devil. Our Stance is simple. We hold it as a sacred place, a special place a place of God, and we have the record of an ancient people who also held it in the same regard.
The Latter Day Church of Christ would like to encourage all of the country to listen to its message, to read the words of the prophets of The People of Light contained in the Book of Jeraneck. Our prophet describe his feelings when he walked around that ancient site as overwhelming. This is what he had to say about it during a church conference we held back in 2006 just before our Christmas break.
“What an honour it was to walk around that beautiful site. To walk where once a great and mighty people of god had once walked. As i walked around the site i could feel of its sacredness and i could feel of its holiness. It truly was a magnificent experiences to have had. I would encourage all of you to make the journey to see it for your self and to feel of its holy nature. How blessed we are to be in a position to know of the truth of this holy place, how privileged are we to have the knowledge of what went on here being revealed to us today. I thank god that we are here today to feel of that revealing spirit so that one day our children may also feel of this same spirit”

So we plead once again with all those people who wish to know about the truth to come and worship with us. We hope to see and speak with you soon.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Welcome. It is always a pleasure to let the world know what is going on in the Lords kingdom. The Latter Day Church of Christ has had a very busy weekend. Our Prophet has received further revelation on topics that are of great interest to the world and that clarify certain points .

This last couple of days has seen the dreaded bird flu on the TV and this has really caught our eye. All these things that are happening now are no surprise to us, the members of the Latter Day Church of Christ as we were told last year in a revelation from God that these things would happen that a cloud in the shape of a bird would cover the land. We here at the Latter Day Church of Christ are not surprised by what we are seeing in the world and in this country at the moment as our prophet has seen them all unfold and has written them down. This is why we are so earnestly trying to establish Zion's camp so that it can act as a refuge for all those that seek safety from the world and from the calamity that this virus will bring. We would encourage anyone who reads this to come and listen to our Prophet speak of these things and listen to his words. He is lead by God and God is guiding us. This is not the end of the panic on the TV we will see more of it. We here at The Latter Day Church of Christ are not in a state of panic we are preparing to face these things as the Lord has directed us to do so. If we fulfil that which he has asked and do it with a faithful heart then he will be with us. Join with us and help prepare!
We have been set a task by the Saviour to take the Book of Jeraneck to all who will listen to its message.

We have been told that the Book of Jeraneck is primarily for the people living here in the UK and it is to them that this great and marvellous work should go to first. Once we have fulfilled that call then we shall be permitted to take it to the rest of the world or to all those who will listen to its message. The Saviour has also told us that certain books are to be added to the Bible books that are pleasing unto him we shall start this work in the next couple of weeks and hopefully be able to take a Bible to the world that the Lord approves of.
We feel that the world is drawing to its close. We await the return of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. We are not the monsters we have been made out to be we only want to serve the Lord Jesus. Our books of Jeraneck are ready to be shipped, the lord is quickening his work and he is behind his saints.

God bless and keep you. Come and see us. Come and listen to the voice of a modern day Prophet of God. We are here every Sunday from 10:00. If you wish to visit with us on any other day please call or just come and see us, we welcome all who wish to hear a Prophets voice and bask in the glory of the Almighty God.

Welcome to The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ

We hope you find this blog a good source of information about the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or are interested in finding out more about the church email us at

You are also welcome to join us at our Sunday services, which are held at 10:30 - 1:00 every Sunday. Contact us for details. God Bless and keep you.