Merry Christmass
A Happy New Year
As the Prophet of The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ I have the pleasure of giving this month’s blog post. Once again the most significant time of year is upon us. We are now in the month of December wherein we celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. It is a wonderful time of year that touches so many people in so many different ways. As Christians it touches us in a way that only Christmas can. Christmas is a wonderful time of year and one can feel its presents all through the month of December, it is a testament of the birth of Christ and stands, still in this day and age the most important time in the Christian calendar.
I know that although Christ was not born on December the 25th it gives us a time, a date that we can dedicate to that most beautiful and wonderful event that ushered in the earthy probation of the Saviour, and how wonderful to know that when we give gifts at this time of year we do it in remembrance of the gifts that Christ received. I know that when I awake on Christmas morning with my wife and son that the first thing we shall do is give thanks to Christ for all that he has done for us and dedicate that day to him, for without Christ there is no Christmas. As I do every year and have done since he was born, I will take my son, a couple of days before the 25th to give a toy to a little boy and girl who are without and in that he will learn that it is that act that Christ taught, to give without expecting anything in return.
As many people will be aware the church has a winter General Assembly meeting on the 16th of December, we have scheduled our winter GA to take place in December so that we may remember what it is we are here for, to glory in the name of Christ and what better way to do that than to do it in this most special month, and to dedicate our winter GA to the Christ.
On behalf of all the members of The latter day Church of Jesus Christ I wish you a very happy Christmas and leave you with this thought, at this time of year when you are all caught up in opening brightly wrapped gifts and you are tucking in to your Christmas feast to spare a thought to those how have not, spare a thought to your estranged family members who you have not spoken to in many a year, for therein lies the spirit of Christmas, therein lies what Christmas is all about, it is the spirit of Christ himself. Call your family members tell them that you love them despite your disagreements, give a gift to someone who is going without, help them, and show them real Christ like spirit. It is this wonderful year that shows us that we can believe and we can be like Christ if only for a short time. If we can do that then we can carry that with us through out the year and let that spirit shine forth every day of the year thought out our lives.
In the words of Tiny Tim “God Bless us Every One” As the Prophet of the church I would like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. see you the new year.
I know that although Christ was not born on December the 25th it gives us a time, a date that we can dedicate to that most beautiful and wonderful event that ushered in the earthy probation of the Saviour, and how wonderful to know that when we give gifts at this time of year we do it in remembrance of the gifts that Christ received. I know that when I awake on Christmas morning with my wife and son that the first thing we shall do is give thanks to Christ for all that he has done for us and dedicate that day to him, for without Christ there is no Christmas. As I do every year and have done since he was born, I will take my son, a couple of days before the 25th to give a toy to a little boy and girl who are without and in that he will learn that it is that act that Christ taught, to give without expecting anything in return.
As many people will be aware the church has a winter General Assembly meeting on the 16th of December, we have scheduled our winter GA to take place in December so that we may remember what it is we are here for, to glory in the name of Christ and what better way to do that than to do it in this most special month, and to dedicate our winter GA to the Christ.
On behalf of all the members of The latter day Church of Jesus Christ I wish you a very happy Christmas and leave you with this thought, at this time of year when you are all caught up in opening brightly wrapped gifts and you are tucking in to your Christmas feast to spare a thought to those how have not, spare a thought to your estranged family members who you have not spoken to in many a year, for therein lies the spirit of Christmas, therein lies what Christmas is all about, it is the spirit of Christ himself. Call your family members tell them that you love them despite your disagreements, give a gift to someone who is going without, help them, and show them real Christ like spirit. It is this wonderful year that shows us that we can believe and we can be like Christ if only for a short time. If we can do that then we can carry that with us through out the year and let that spirit shine forth every day of the year thought out our lives.
In the words of Tiny Tim “God Bless us Every One” As the Prophet of the church I would like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. see you the new year.