Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Dear brothers and sisters. I have recently had the opportunity to read the comments placed on the Juvenile instructor some time ago. After been told about it and what was said I thought that I would check it out. After reading the report I was shocked to see a report that was concise and informative, even if a little incorrect, however it was refreshing to see that this site and its mediators had taken the time to find out and analyze what was being said in an academic way rather than an unintellectual and scar mongering attitude that has to often been the case when these types of reports or posts have been made by other people such as those made on the Nauvoo forum.
After reading the report or post, I thought that I would glace through some of the comments. After glancing through the comments I was once again not shocked to see that some of the people who commented were doing so from a purely ill informed position. For instance there is one women o the comments section by the name of Christine that pleased with people not to send u money by saying
“I repeat, do not send money for Zion Camp!” Comment by Christine — May 15, 2008 @ 8:5 am She then goes on to say
I know these people (the Gills) very well. The whole thing - the ‘breakaway’ church and especially the appeal for money turns my stomach. Comment by Christine — June 13, 2008 @ 3:02 pm
I would be very interested to know who you are Christine. The name rings no bells for me, but maybe if you stopped to contact us for yourself to find out what we really believe you would stop being so confused and upset by what you think we have done.
The above comments are just a few that were made until they were told to stop by the mediator on the site, at least someone on there had the backbone to tell them to stop and for that we tank you.
The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ is not secret it is not shut away so that nobody can contact us we are always here to discuss the gospel with people and the restoration, we have never mad mention of the fact that we are some kind of secret religion that never talks to people, however this attitude has been permitted far to often by our persecutors.
Let me once again inform everyone out there that we believe in the Book of Mormon and in Joseph Smith as a Prophet of the restoration. We hold true to that fact that the early church was established by the Lord Jesus Christ to bring about a change and to bring about the true and living gospel of Christ once again upon the earth. We hold true to the belief that the 1835 D&C is the only copy of the D&C to have been approved by the prophet and the church as a whole and therefore stands as the only copy approved by God. We also hold true to the fact that the Kirtland Temple was and still is the only building built by the early saints and by the Prophet Joseph that was ordained of God to be his temple. We believe and hold true to the fact that the church ceased to exist when the Prophet was cruelly took from us in 1844 that he was not given to appoint another in his stead as the D&C tells us he would do. We hold true to the fact that the church at that time had fallen in to disobedience that there were men and women within the church doing things which Joseph Smith and others were trying to eradicate such as the practice of polygamy and other such practices, and because the church had been warned and not listened after the disobedience of Kirtland that if they feel in to error again that the Lord would withdraw from them the blessing of the gospel no successor was chosen. We believe and hold true to the fact that Brigham young and many others established churches after the death of the Prophet without authority from God and although they may have done good works or may now be in the process of doing good work they are not churches of God. We hold true to the fact that that the Lord has called forth his people again in this time to establish his church one again upon the earth. The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ is that church and has been ordained by God to stand as his kingdom upon the earth. We hold true to the Book of Jeraneck that stands as a further witness of Christ and his divinity. We hold true to the witness in the book of Jeraneck that the land of Britain is a chosen and choice land and that a righteousness people once inhabited its shores full of the love and grace of God ready to do that which was asked of them by him. We hold true that they just as those spoken of in the book of Mormon feel in to error and were slain from of the face of the land and only the wicked were left upon its shores. Many people criticize us because of the book of Jeraneck and its teachings. They accuse it of being fabrication and a book of the devil; however most of these people have never read the book and have never even picked up a copy. Many of these people find the same problems with the Book of Mormon and the Bible so we see no merit in there accusations. The Book of Jeraneck was given to us by the gift and power of God and we shall continue to give it to as many people as ask for it. It has touched many peoples lives, not just those attached to the church. It has influenced people all over the world to seek out the lord more in their lives and to pray more and to actively seek the lord. We hold true to the fact that the Lord has called a modern day living Prophet once again upon the earth and that we receive constant revelation concerning the coming of the Saviour and the last days, not to mention personal revelation concerning our own lives and actions. Revelation is an important part of the church and the gospel, the gospel of Christ can not function without it, it is the instrument that the Lord uses to convey things to us of great importance, revelation is spoken of in all the books of scripture and is a vital part of the latter day gospel. I do not understand churches that t profess to be the true church when they receive little if any modern revelation. We hold true to the fact that this revelation takes many forms that it comprises of lost scripture and new teachings give to us by God.
We have been accused also of being very similar to the LDS church and that we have a lot in common, I would like to disagree with that most whole heartily. The only things that we seem to have in common are that we both believe in Joseph Smith and even that can be different, as we believe in a different version of the man, just as we believe in different version of the book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants and the Bible, so in fact although on the face of it we might seem like we have a lot in common, we don’t. This church is lead by God and a real Prophet who speaks with God, not a president who stands as a CEO of a big global corporation.
Although we are small were are true and that stands for a lot. I hope that we are able t help and assist all those people that have become disillusioned by the big LDS church or the crumbling Community of Christ and all the other restoration groups who have no substance. I want you to know that we stand ready to help and assist you in your continued journey to eternal salvation. Please if you are one of these lost sheep, get in touch with us and let us add to the knowledge that you already have, let us show you the gospel of Christ is alive and it is talking to the people today.
God bless you all

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Over the past couple of weeks we have been in contact with lots of people from all over the world. This is wonderful to see that our message is being received by lots of different people with the same hopes and dreams that we have. However one set of people have relay struck home to us just how important this work is and the job that we still have to do for the Lord.
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by a man in the USA, this man Is wonderful he is truly blessed by the Lord and has a pure heart and wants to know and understand his role in the Lords plan and what role he has to play in that plan. We have been communicating now for over two weeks and he has a small congregation in the US that are also searching for Zion and the truth. I would like to address this weeks blog to them if I may and hopefully others who read this may also gain something from this as well:-

A couple of weeks ago I sent some papers out to our friends in the United States, it seems form our emails that they are having some difficulty in understanding why we need to be re baptised. I was glad that they have raised the issue of re baptism, because if they had not raised that issue then I would have thought that they were not reading the things that I sent, but it looks like they are so that is great. The problem that they and some of their congregation are having is very similar to what Joseph Smith and the early saints were going through and because of this very issue of re-baptism the Lord gave Joseph Smith a revelation and that is found in D&C section 22 in this section the Lord outlines why he has asked people to be re-baptised it says:-

Behold, I say unto you that all old covenants have I caused to be done away in this thing; and this is a new and an everlasting covenant, even that which was from the beginning.
2Wherefore, although a man should be baptized an hundred times it availeth him nothing, for you cannot enter in at the strait gate by the law of Moses, neither by your dead works.
3 For it is because of your dead works that I have caused this last covenant and this church to be built up unto me, even as in days of old.
4Wherefore, enter ye in at the gate, as I have commanded, and seek not to counsel your God. Amen.

You see, it is not that God is saying that you must be re-baptized just to join a new religion or to join a club, but rather to join and seal yourself to a new covenant or promise that he, the Lord has instituted not man. Baptism is not just for the remission of sins, although this is a big part of baptism, but it is a promise a covenant that we make with God that we have entered in to this new promise with him, it becomes a very personal thing rather than a blanket thing were it is just for the remission of sins, it is a living hopeful new law or covenant that the Lord has given unto us. I believe that Joseph Smith was and still is a Prophet of God. I believe that the Lord spoke to him and that what is written in the 1835 D&C are the words of God unto him and if this is the case then I believe that what is written in there is from the Lord.

I do hope that although this may seem like a big issue that you will be prayerful over it and that you will not let this be a stumbling block for yourselves and others in joining us with so that we can accomplish all that the Lord has in store for his people. Zion will be redeemed the Lord will have his people united, Zion will be born again and stand as a banner to the world. I believe that things this important are worth fighting for, that God has revealed his truth in these last days and that we stand as his interments and that he has established the church again for the redemption of Zion. I do not believe for one minute that the Lord led you all to us for you let re-baptism be a deal breaker in any way, the Lord has established his law in the D&C and it says that this is necessary to enter in to his new covenant. The Lord is everything and he wants his people to be one, not just in action but in thought and spirit. He wants his people to be like unto Enoch and the City of Zion and for us to establish that Zion upon the earth and I believe that is worth the ask. I know thaw the Lord is with you and that he has brought you to us for a reason and that our paths have crossed for a far greater reason, the establishment of Zion his people upon the earth once more, don’t forget you live in the Promised Land and it is not a coincidence that you found us. I believe that we were brought together for that greater purpose of his church being established once again on the earth and for a people like your to help build Zion in the United States and to be united with his church.

God Bless you my friends. I hope to be able to meet you one day and to stand with you and to minister to you and for you all to be united in Zion with us so that we can go forth and quench the parched earth and make it flower again and make Zion stand as a banner once again.
“Remember straight is the way and narrow is the gate and few there be that find it”

Monday, 1 September 2008

It has been a while since the blog page has been updated and this has caused some people to wonder weather or not the church is still operating. Let me assure everyone that The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ is still here! We have not ceased to operate and the wok continues and it continues with the blessing and love of the Saviour Jesus Christ.
The progress of the work is something that is going from strength to strength and is a work in progress. The church has never claimed to be a big multi conglomerate entity, in fact we have stressed on many occasions that we are here not to compete with those churches but to do the work of the Lord, a work that we are doing very well. The Book of Jeraneck has been received in many counties on many different continents and it has fulfilled the purpose for which it was given to us. We have done all that the Lord has commanded concerning the Book of Jeraneck and we have done it with very little resource. The Book of Jeraneck like many books of scripture is had for both good and bad, it had been received on the whole very well but like all good things there is opposition that still exists and that this fine. We have never stated that people can not have differing opinions on the book or even different opinions about the church; all we have asked is that we be given a chance to tell our side of the story before people listen to gossip or hearsay.
The work and our message is being greatly received at the moment in the United States were many people have contacted us with a view to joining the church and becoming active in our mission. The Lord is preparing that fertile ground so that one day a branch of Zion may be erected. This is pleasing to us as we know that the American continent is the Promised Land and that Zion shall be built upon that continent. To all those that live in the United States and have expressed a willingness to join the church please take the time to pray about your decision and to read the material that we send after this if you still wish to united with us then that can be accomplished.
All in all the Lord is working a mighty miracle at the moment and the past disappointments are well and truly behind us, as we march on to our final goal. To all those that have tasted the waters of baptism an have rejected the message I implore you to get back on to the straight and narrow path and hold firm to the iron rod, for only true and enduring happiness can be fund in the church of God and that is here. To all those Mormons of what ever denomination you belong who are felling unappreciated and underused, I say this, we have a work for you here at The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ. There is much we can offer you and much we can add to what you already know to be true. Please contact us we standby ready to help and assist you.
Once again brothers and sisters, God bless all of you and please continue to read the blog and email the church, we are always happy to receive emails form people and to help those looking for the light. God Bless.
(Picture from The upcoming Childrens Book of Jeraneck)

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You are also welcome to join us at our Sunday services, which are held at 10:30 - 1:00 every Sunday. Contact us for details. God Bless and keep you.