But men cannot do this with living prophets. Living Prophets will denounce these hypocrites who say they are followers God but instead obey their won licentious desires. Living prophets will not allow men to pick their teachings to pieces and construct a crazy quilt pattern of personal interpretations which matches popular opinion. This is why Prophets are seldom popular with their own generation.
It is the task of the people of each generation to discover weather or not God has risen up a living Prophet for them. The Bible teaches that whenever Prophets are raised up, certain things will begin to happen. Doctrines will be clarified. New truths will be revealed. Prophecies will be given. The kingdom of God will be revitalised and every honest seeker after truth will be able top observe the power with witch a true prophet carries out his mission. In all of holy writ there is not one single instance where God ever selected a professional holy man to be one of His Prophets. In every case the call came like a bolt out of the blue, often to men who considered themselves weak and incapable and were amazed that God should honour them with revelation or consider them worthy of a prophetic calling. In many cases the work progressed slowly. People said God would not speak to a mere normal person. They held aloft their scriptures containing the writings of prophets from the past and said that this was all the revelation they needed. They said that the new young prophet was making up his revelations, that they weren’t form God. But this was to be expected. These people could not recognise a living prophet any more that the people could at the time of Christ.
In our case much of what is written above is the case. I am a normal man with a normal life and family, but God has called me to be a Prophet and today the gospel doctrines are being clarified, new revelation is being brought forth and people are being awakened to seek the truth.
Matthew P. Gill
It is the task of the people of each generation to discover weather or not God has risen up a living Prophet for them. The Bible teaches that whenever Prophets are raised up, certain things will begin to happen. Doctrines will be clarified. New truths will be revealed. Prophecies will be given. The kingdom of God will be revitalised and every honest seeker after truth will be able top observe the power with witch a true prophet carries out his mission. In all of holy writ there is not one single instance where God ever selected a professional holy man to be one of His Prophets. In every case the call came like a bolt out of the blue, often to men who considered themselves weak and incapable and were amazed that God should honour them with revelation or consider them worthy of a prophetic calling. In many cases the work progressed slowly. People said God would not speak to a mere normal person. They held aloft their scriptures containing the writings of prophets from the past and said that this was all the revelation they needed. They said that the new young prophet was making up his revelations, that they weren’t form God. But this was to be expected. These people could not recognise a living prophet any more that the people could at the time of Christ.
In our case much of what is written above is the case. I am a normal man with a normal life and family, but God has called me to be a Prophet and today the gospel doctrines are being clarified, new revelation is being brought forth and people are being awakened to seek the truth.
Matthew P. Gill