Friday, 26 March 2010

First Post of The New Year

Dear brothers and sisters it has been a long time since our last blog address to you all. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that helped the church move forward last year and especially to those in the United States who have broken new ground for the church in establishing the church on the Promised Land.

We would like very much to send our thanks out to Elder Michael Clarke who last year established a branch in his home town of Clay Cross and has continued to stay stead fast to the work and to the church.

The membership of the church is of vital importance to moving the work forward and to fulfilling our first mandate given to us by the Lord, to fill the whole earth with books of Jeraneck and to bring out of darkness and in to the light that which was lost. The book of Jeraneck is probably the most unique book of Scripture that we have today, it is one of just a few things that sets us apart from any other Mormon faith, and it most defiantly sets us apart form main stream Christianity. However we believe that the book of Jeraneck works hand in hand with other revealed scripture such as The Bible and the Book of Mormon, with which our lives would be far less meaning full. We need those other scriptures to fulfil the piece of the puzzle laid out for us. The Bible is of vital importance to us as it is the only piece of scripture to date that talks of the life of Christ his earthly and mortal probation.

Let it not be said that we are not Christians, we are! We believe in Christ, not just as a side show but as leader of our faith, he is the Christ the redeemer the Son of God he is the most preeminent fixture of our faith and our church. Christ is not just confined to the Bible, his teachings are not just confined to the middle east and to the Americas , no he is found all over the world in every land in every legend. Christ is the Son of God and we believe in him and trust in his redeeming grace.

The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ want you to seek us out, we are here and waiting to fulfil your life to answer those questions that have yet to be answers to answer those that have been hanging around in your mind and heart, Why are we here? Where did we come from? And where are we going? We have the answers to all these things the plan that our father in heaven set down for us is here it is here in its purity. The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ is waiting for those who are disillusioned and lost. Maybe you have been an LDS member and become disillusioned with the way they work and operate, maybe you have not found the answers you were looking for, well come to us! Talk with us, visit us and we will indeed help you along the path. My dear brothers and sisters wherever you maybe in the world we love you and we want you to know that we think about you every day, the Lord loves you and wants the best for you, stay the course do not be put of by temptation and your reward will be great.

Keep an eye out for future videos that will be posted and future blog posts. Please also keep a look out for a video presentation that the church is doing for a cable show in the United States Called ‘Heart of The Matter’, the church have been in discussions with them since last year so please keep an eye our for updates to as an when the video will be available to view. Once again brother and sisters, God bless and keep you all. Amen.

Welcome to The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ

We hope you find this blog a good source of information about the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or are interested in finding out more about the church email us at

You are also welcome to join us at our Sunday services, which are held at 10:30 - 1:00 every Sunday. Contact us for details. God Bless and keep you.