That night the
convict awakes and, possessed by the thoughts of the bishops silver plates,
cannot sleep. Stealing into the bishops unlocked room, Valjean pauses at the
good mans bedside. “At the moment when Jean Valjean paused before the bed the
cloud broke as if purposely, and a ray of moonlight crossing the high window,
suddenly lighted up the bishops pale face. He slept tranquilly….Over the side
of the bed hung his hand, …which had done so many good deeds, so many pure
acts. His entire countenance was lit up with a vague expression of content,
hope, and happiness. It was more than a smile and almost a radiance. On his
forehead rested the indescribable reflection of an unseen light. The souls of
the upright in sleep have a vision of mysterious heaven.
“A reflection
from this heaven shone upon the bishop. But is was also a luminous
transparency, fro this heaven was within him; this heaven was his conscience.
At the instant when the moonbeam overlay, so to speak, this inward radiance,
the sleeping bishop appeared as if in a halo. But it was mild, and veiled in an
ineffable twilight. The moon in the sky…added something strangely solemn and
unutterable to the venerable repose of this man, and enveloped his white locks
and his closed eyes with a serine and majestic glory, this face where all was
hope and confidence, this old man’s head and infants slumber”
What was Bienvenu's secret? What was the radiant hope and confidence? Latter day
revelation suggests a possible source to these secrets.
“Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men,…and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly, then shall thy confidence was strong in the presence of God…The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy sceptre an unchanging sceptre of righteousness and truth” (D&C 121:45-46)
The teachings of
Christ expanded mankind’s concept of virtue, and defined it in terms of moral,
not just political, goodness. So the early Christians added to the four
cardinal virtues three others, which they called theological virtues. These
three are faith, hope and charity. Surely as Latter Day Mormons our own daily
experiences confirm to use that all these virtues must be balanced. Without
wisdom, the most loving parents may be too indulgent with their children. And
we all sometimes face difficult situations where we need faith to guide us
beyond the limits of our own wisdom. Virtue is more like well-rounded goodness,
a wholeness of soul.
So as Latter Day
Mormons, what is the process of becoming virtuous people in Christ? Perhaps it
is not so much a frantic striving to master a long list of separate virtues.
With our focus on Christ, and with a desire to follow him, our daily task
becomes much simpler to follow his commandments and our own inner sense of
right. Christian philosopher C.S Lewis put it this way “Every time you make a
choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses,
into something a little different from what it was before. And taking your life
as a whole, with all your innumerable choices, all your life long you are
slowly turning this central thing either into a heavenly creature or into a
hellish creature”
So in conclusion,
as we follow principles of truth, acting on our impulses to do good and heeding
the promptings of the Spirit, we will slowly become Latter Day people of
virtue. We will gain the power to choose the wise thing, the compassionate
thing, the temperate thing, the just thing in more and more situations that we
find ourselves in. And as we do, we will gain the wholeness and confidence that
are among the greatest blessings that followers of Christ we can have.