A Sermon by Matthew P Gill
The fourteenth
Article of Faith reminds us that we, ‘hope to be able to endure all things,’
whatever life brings us. And although our challenges may be different, enduring
to the end simply means enduring each day well, and faithfully. Endurance knows
no time or season. It is a concern of both the elderly and the young. We are
tempted at all ages, and none of us know when we will die. Each day we must
make the right decisions that will keep us on the road to eternal life.
Enduring life well requires positive action. We must
consciously act to improve ourselves if we are to ‘do good’ and ‘hold out
faithful to the end’ (D&C 8:5; 6:13/Utah). If we
truly follow Christ, our endurance will be productive, not passive.
Enduring well means developing faith, devotion, patience, long-suffering,
cheerfulness, love, and selfless service. These are the qualities that we as
Latter Day Mormons should always be striving for as we endure righteously.
By being baptised
into the Gospel and becoming a member of The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ
shows positive action, but the road to eternal life does not end with baptism
or membership. Whether we receive the blessings of all principles and ordinances
of the Gospel depends on our continued faithfulness. Baptism and membership are
important parts of the endurance process because it places us on the right path
to eternal life. Both of these things can and should give us ‘a determination
to serve him to the end’ (D&C 2:7; 20:7/Utah)
The Prophet Joseph
Smith is a great example to us as Latter Day Mormons of enduring to the end.
The Prophet never let any trial stop him in the pursuit of his ultimate goals,
and even when his life was in risk never gave up. We. like Joseph Smith, must
follow the Saviour to the end, through trails and persecution, through wealth
and ease, through periods of tiredness, and through all other hazards of
mortality. Regardless of
the adversities and the difficulties we encounter in striving faithfully to
endure, success can be achieved. This, we can and must do if we would
enjoy the blessings promised to us as Latter Day Mormons.
the Lectures on Faith in the Doctrine & Covenants, we are taught that those
who sacrifice all for the sake of the Gospel, “will have the testimony that
their course is pleasing in the sight of God, and those who have this testimony
will have faith to lay hold on eternal life, and will be enabled, through
faith, to endure unto the end, and receive the crown that is laid up for them
that love the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (D&C Lecture 6, 6:10)
Latter Day
Mormons, having the witness of the Book of Jeraneck, learn from it many great
feats of endurance and faithfulness to Almighty God.
The Prophet
Hadjaneck, for example, said to God’s People of Light, “The Lord has promised
through revelation that if we, his people are faithful and obedient that we
shall become one with him,” and this is true for us today.
So, let us
remember that even though
our contributions seem small, they are a significant part of enduring to the
end. If we follow Christ, enduring well to the end, we can say with
Paul, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the
faith, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day.”
Let us brace ourselves, therefore, to our duty and endure with faithfulness and
determination to the end.