Dear Brothers and sisters, it is an honour to be standing
up here today for the first time as a conducting Elder and been given the
chance to give this sermon. Today my talk will be about the priesthood.
The priesthood is the power and authority of God given to
man, to act in the name of God within his church. The priesthood is the power
of God on earth given to worthy males and females it includes the power Jesus
gave his apostles to perform miracles such as the casting out of devils and the
healing of sick (Luke 9:1). As Latter Day Mormons we believe that the Biblical
miracles performed by prophets and apostles were performed by the power of
priesthood, including the miracles of Jesus, who holds all of the keys of the
priesthood. Priesthood is the authority by which a bearer may perform
ecclesiastical acts of service in the name of God. Latter Day Mormons believe
that acts performed by one with priesthood authority are recognised by God and
are binding in heaven, on earth, and in the afterlife. In addition, Latter Day
Mormons believe that leadership positions within the church are given with the
aid of priesthood authority. For the most part of the history of the Mormon movement,
only men have been ordained to specific offices in the priesthood. However we
know that this is not what God wanted for his people. The Latter Day Church of
Jesus Christ in accordance with the will of God and the revelations given to
the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1842 allow all women under revelation the privilege
of holding the Aaronic Priesthood of God and holding all the offices with that
priesthood office. We do this not because it is popular or because it is easy
but because it is what the Lord wishes and is what has been revealed to us by
the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Lord. What follows is an explanation on how
the Priesthood blessings were conferred upon the women of the early church and
in turn have now been conferred upon the women of The Latter Day Church of
Jesus Christ.
Two weeks after he organised the Relief Society of
Nauvoo, Illinois ,
and gave them complete autonomy in running this organisation Joseph Smith
announced his intention to confer the priesthood upon women. He told the
gathered sisters at Relief Society on the 30 March 1842 that “the Society
should move according to the ancient Priesthood” and that he was “going to make
of this Society a kingdom of priests as in Enoch's day and as in Paul's day.”
It must be remembered that the early Mormon sisters did not request the
priesthood; however the Prophet Joseph Smith would soon confer it upon them as
part of the restoration of the gospel. His private journal, called the Book of
the Law of the Lord, specified the priesthood promise in his instructions to
the women on 28 April 1842 it states, “gave a lecture on the priesthood showing
how the Sisters would come in possession of the privileges & blessings
& gifts of the priesthood & that the signs should follow them. Such as
healing the sick casting out devils & that they might attain unto these
blessings. By a virtuous life & conversation & diligence in keeping all
the commandments.” It is clear for all to see who wish to see that our
dear and much beloved Prophet Joseph Smith clearly intended that Mormon women
in 1842 were to be bestowed the “gifts of the priesthood” upon them
not merely as simply ministrations of faith but as actual holders and partakers
of the gifts of the priesthood. The conferral of the priesthood on individual
women occurred on 4 May 1842, six days after his remarks to the Relief Society.
Emma Smith the wife of the Prophet became the first women to receive the
“fullness of the priesthood”. Thus Emma Smith began the fulfilment of the
Prophet's promise to make the Relief Society “a kingdom of priests”. She was
anointed to become a “queen and priestess” and was ordained to the fullness of
those offices by the Prophet himself. Joseph Smiths first counsellor and friend
Sidney Rigdon later commented on this event in his history of the church when
he stated, “Emma was female to whom the priesthood was first given.”
Unfortunately over time many Mormon have relegated the role of women in their
churches and have made every attempt to whitewash this from the history of
Mormonism. However today The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ not only recognise
the importance and independence of the Relief Society program but that the
women of the church have the right given them by God to have bestowed upon them
the Aaronic Priesthood of God.
I am so grateful that I have a chance to hold the
priesthood of God and that I am now ordained an elder in his church. I have
been blessed with the Melchizedeck priesthood to do a duty to God to help
others to bless them and to fulfil my role within his kingdom. I pray that I
may be able to live up to the standards that God has asked of me. Thank you for
listening to me today, sorry if I was a little nervous but I have many years
left to improve. God bless you all in his holy name Amen.
Levi M. Gill