It is with a sad heart that the church announce the death of our beloved Sister Annette Barber. Sister Annette left this mortal probation and graduated on the 5th of August 2019. Sister Annette's funeral service was held on the 23rd of August 2019. The service was attended by her wonderful family and many friends. The Prophet was asked to speak and the spirit of love and devotion for our dear Sister was evident. Our love and prayers are with her Husband Brother Peter Barber and her children and family and we pray that the Lord brings them peace and comfort.
Sister Annette was an active member of The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ from the moment she found us and started to work for the advancement of the cause. Sister Annette was called to stand as the church Historian and record keeper, a job she did extremely well in up to the day she died. Sister Annette was also a member of the Aaronic Priesthood holding the office of Priest, which allowed her to administer the sacred Sacrament, a responsibility she took very seriously. Sister Annette also took part in the bringing forth of new scripture standing as a witness to the validity of the record she held and saw and also as a transcriber. Without the hard work and effort of Sister Annette in writing down and copying many notes The Book of Rayaneck would have taken so much longer to come forth. This was a work which Annette enjoyed very much and a work which inspired here to greater height's and understanding of the eternal Gospel.
Sister Annette will be much missed by all of us. She was a tower of strength and a faithful and active member of the branch and its works. We will all miss her deeply.