Sunday, 22 December 2019

Merry Christmas

Later this week, on Christmas Day, we "welcome" Jesus into the world along with Christendom. This is a Jesus we already know, a man fully grown and with whom we are more than acquainted.

This isn't a baby we must perpetually welcome into our homes. We are confronted instead with the adult Jesus. Meeting the adult Jesus is difficult for many, and even frightens them to meet him as an adult and not a helpless, unassuming child. The adult Jesus scared the religious elites of his day because of what he asked, just as he scares the religious elites of today. Jesus is an adult whom we must each decide whether to ignore, or to serve, as God intended us to do. If we claim his name, and wish to be identified with it, we must not assume that admiring a baby in a manger is what God wishes. We must not delude ourselves that admiration - or even worship - is alone sufficient. We cannot ignore the adult Jesus, or prefer the baby instead of the adult. The adult Jesus is hidden away by the religious elites. He scares them. A fully human Jesus, fully grown, with a clearly understood and fully formed mission and a challenging religion of Good Works, scares them to death. So this adult Jesus isn't celebrated at Christmas. And he never makes an appearance the rest of the year. Who is this Jesus? Jesus, the adult, was of course born a baby, but he was born fully a man, of human parents, just as we were born. He grew in the knowledge of God and gained wisdom; he pleased God in all he did. When he became an adult, he was chosen and anointed by God to be our Master, our Teacher, our Template and the Example of how a human being should live for the glory of God and most beneficially for our fellow human beings. This Jesus is not the one created for us by Priests whom we must simply admire and worship from afar; unable to obey, unable to follow because he is so different, so distant, so alien.

We may instead celebrate the Jesus - a man called and chosen by God - whom we can fully love as our elder brother, and the one whom we can actively follow as our example in all things. We may become more like God because one of us has done it already, setting the example towards which we may strive.

Let us remember the birth, but also the adult life, of THIS Jesus, a Jesus worth celebrating on Christmas Day, and every day.
Merry Christmas Everyone.

Friday, 6 December 2019

The Scriptures

For a long time now the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ has presented to the world the book of scripture entitled The Chronicles of The Children of Araneck. There seems to be some confusion about what this book is. So we write this small announcement in response to the confusion that some have had surrounding the new book of scriptures that we as a Branch have been blessed to place before the world. As many of you know the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ have been given the honour of presenting to the world new scripture in The Book of Jeraneck. This work testifies of the ancient people who once lived in the U.K and who were responsible for many of the henge's and hill forts and ancient monuments that litter our land. It testifies that these people believed in God and witnessed of Him and taught and testified of Him. This work has been widely available from the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ since 2007 and we have had the great honour of sharing this sacred text with the world. If you are a member of the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ you will know that we have also had the honour of receiving the record of Jeraneck's son Rayaneck back in 2015 and the church set about translating that record and placing it before the world. For a long time we pondered on how we would present these two great books to the world. After long months of prayer and fasting and calling upon the Lord for direction it was decided that the two books should be put together as was the wish of the Prophet Jeraneck in his record. So we took to work putting these two books together so that they would stand as a testament to one another.

The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ would like to inform the world that these two books are now together in what we have been told to call The Chronicles of The Children of Araneck. Next year in 2020 we shall endeavor to have this volume printed and made available to buy in new hard copy scriptures and placed before the world. Untill then you can obtain a Pdf copy from our website. The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ believes in and uses The Inspired Version of the Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants and The Chronicles of The Children of Araneck which includes the Book of Jeraneck and The Book of Rayaneck.

We hope this clears up the confusion that many have found and we hope that it goes some way in answering your questions regarding the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ and the new scriptures it uses.

The Office of the Prophet

Welcome to The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ

We hope you find this blog a good source of information about the Restored Branch of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or are interested in finding out more about the church email us at

You are also welcome to join us at our Sunday services, which are held at 10:30 - 1:00 every Sunday. Contact us for details. God Bless and keep you.