The Prophet Matthew Gill was asked this week to supply some information to a research team with regards to putting some of the information about The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ in to a book, the book is entitled
“Divergent paths of the restoration” the author of the book is planning on updating the information, so it was for this reason that the prophet has been asked to send said information about the church to them. We have also been told that the church will also be included on some restoration discussion groups on the net so hopefully we will see some interest been shown from them also.
We have been told this week that the art work for The Book of Jeraneck will be finished well within time and that the target for the end of August will be met well with time, We look forward to receiving the art work and getting the second edition out as soon as possible after this. To all those that wish to receive a copy of The Book of Jeraneck we can either send you a book or we can email you a copy. However is you wish to reserve a copy of the second edition wit all the art work and new page lay out then please contact Elder Philip Gill so that we can start listing names of people that would like to receive a copy.
The Prophet Matthew Gill once again reiterated on Sunday that we are going to be having some wonderful news given to us near the end of the year beginning of next that will help move the work forward. We wait with eager anticipation at this news and new revelations and we hope that we are able to support what ever the Lord has in store for his people.
We have been asked this week about how the church is organised with regards to general officers so with this we have gained permission from the prophet to include that part of the "Church Administration Hand Book" on this weeks blog. We hope that the Lord brings you a great week and that his presence is with you through out the course of the week . God bless and may the Lord keep and protect you.
General Church Administration
The Office of Prophet of The Church
The president of the church is the Prophet, Seer, Revelator and Translator. It is the duty of the President to preside over the whole church and to be like unto Moses (See D&C 107:42) The President or Prophet is called of God by revelation and none else shall be appointed unto this gift (prophet of church) except it be through him (See D&C 43:1-2) The prophet is ordained of God and through him all revelations from God will be made known to the church
(See D&C 28:2) The prophet of the church is also appointed two counselors by revelation
(See D&C 107)
The Standing High Council of Zion
The standing high council of Zion is the church's highest legislative and judicial council. The standing high council of Zion consists of twelve men appointed by revelation, headed by the Prophet and his counselors ( See D&C 102:1) This Standing High Council takes on the role of chief judicial and legislative body of the church and handles such things as excommunication trials and handles all cases not settled by the presiding Bishop. The standing high council of Zion is also responsible for the approval of all church spending. The standing high Council of Zion is the first council of the church and all things that need to be appealed go to the Standing High Council of Zion, and then to the Presidency of the Church.
Presidency of The High Priests
The Presidency of the High Priests is spoken of in the Doctrine and Convents (See D&C 107:11) The presidency of the High priests is instituted for the purpose of qualifying those who shall be appointed to the standing council of Zion and also those who shall be appointed to The Travelling Council of Twelve Apostles (See D&C 124:42)
The Travelling Council of Twelve Apostles
The Travelling Council of Twelve Apostles is twelve men, ordained to the office of Apostle to oversee the missionary work of the church and are also sent out amongst the world to preach the gospel to all the world (See D&C 107:35 & D&C 124:128) The Travelling Twelve are subordinate to the Standing High Council of Zion. When vacancies arise in the Travelling Twelve, The Presidency of the High Priests appoints a replacement.
The Quorums of Seventy
“The Quorums of Seventy are called to preach the gospel and to be especial witnesses unto the Gentiles and unto all the world” (See D&C 107:11) The Quorums of Seventy are equal in authority to The Travelling Council of Twelve Apostles (See D&C 107:11) Within The Quorums of Seventy seven presidents are chosen by revelation to preside over them. The seventh president of these is to preside over the six. The Seven presidents are then to choose a further seventy as the spirit dictates and that second seventy are to be travelling ministers unto the gentiles and unto the Jews (See D&C 107:43)
The Presiding Bishop
The Presiding Bishop is the president of the Aaronic Priesthood over the whole church
(See D&C 107:8) The Presiding Bishop is also responsible for administering all the temporal affairs of the church and it is his responsibility to see that the tithing of the church is being used responsibly as in the days of Joseph (See D&C107:32) all cases of discipline and welfare that are not settled by the presiding Bishop go to the Standing High Council of Zion.
Patriarch of Zion
The Patriarch of Zion is one of the highest positions in the Church. It is an office that is handed down by Lineal succession as commanded by the Lord (see D&C 124:29) The Patriarch of Zion holds all the keys of the Patriarchal blessing and it is only through him that a Patriarchal blessing my be given. The Patriarch of Zion my also stand in at the head of meetings if the Prophet is not present (see D&C124:29)
The Anointed Quorum
The Anointed Quorum is a Holy Order. It is a select body of men and women (No Single Sisters) who the Prophet initiates into Temple ceremonies, which gives them special standing before the Lord. The Prophet gives this group, which should only number Sixty to One Hundred people, most couples, but not all, also receive their Second Anointing. Members also hold meetings, which are to be held usually every two weeks, in these meetings Prayer Circles are to be held, because prayer plays an important role in the Church. Nearly all members of the Anointed Quorum are to be chosen from The Office of The Prophet,The Standing High Council of Zion and any that the Lord revels to his prophet.
Presiding Elders
The Presiding Elder is to take the lead and conduct the meetings of the church as they are led by the Holy Ghost (See D&C 20:9) The Elders are also required to administer the Sacrament of the church (See D&C 20:8) They are required to confirm new members in to the church and to teach, expound, exhort, and to watch over the church (See D&C 20:8)
The Office of Priest
The office of Priest is given by revelation to worthy males as directed by the spirit of revelation. The duty of a Priest is to preach, Teach, expound, exhort, and baptise. A Priest is also required to administer the Sacrament of the church along with the Elders of the church. The duties of the Priest’s of the Lords church are to contact each member, weather by visiting their home or speaking to them by phone, they are to exhort them to pray and attend to all family duties. A Priest may ordain other Priests, teachers and deacons. The Priests are also to take the lead in the meetings of the church when there is no Elder present
(See D&C 20:10)
The Office of Teacher
The office of Teacher is given by revelation to worthy males directed by the spirit of revelation. The duty of a Teacher is to watch over the church always, and be with, and strengthen them. They are to see that there is no iniquity in the church, neither hardness with each other, neither, lying, backbiting, nor evil speaking. They are to see to it that the church meets together often and to see that the members are doing their duty. The Teacher is to take the lead of meetings in the absence of the Presiding Elder or Priest. The Teachers are to be assisted always, in all their duties by the deacons. Teachers however do not have authority to baptise, administer the sacrament or lay on hands (See D&C 20:11)
The office Of Deacon
The office of Deacon is given by revelation to worthy males directed by the spirit of revelation. The Deacons are to assist the teacher in his duties and they are to warn, expound, exhort, and teach and invite all to come unto Christ. Deacons however do not have authority to baptise, administer the sacrament or lay on hands (See D&C 20:11)
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