Friday, 21 March 2008

Hello every one, we hope that the last week has been good to you and that you have been blessed by the Lord. Well it is that time of year again when we celebrate the death and resurrection of the Saviour Jesus Christ. The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ hold's this time of year in great reverence and we believe that it is a very special time of year when the Lord gave us a wonderful blessing and gave us the chance to have our sins forgiven and to triumph over death. We would like to remind everyone what this time of year is all about, it’s not about the Eggs and the Easter Bunny but about the Saviour and his life and work. Have a great Easter and Passover holiday bearing in mind what this time of year is all about, please remember to keep it reverent and give some time during this busy holiday to remembering the Saviour and the great gift that he gave at this time.

We hope that you are enjoying the video presentations and that you feel that you are gaining something form watching them. This week’s video is a return to the normal run of the mill topics that we started on. However we would still love to hear form you, if you have nay questions or comments that you feel that you would like to make then please contact us and we will pass it on to get attention on the video presentations. We are hoping to get other members to talk about there experiences and their testimonies on the videos and that should start form next week, Our fist One should be done by Elder Philip Gill, so if all goes well that will be a nice change.

Once again we are calling on all those people and you may be one of them , that feel lost in the other Mormon churches or in any Christen faiths to come and talk to us we have a great deal to offer and we know that we can fulfil your life and fill those gaps that you have been experiencing. Please get in touch with us we would love to hear form you. Well have a great week and a wonderful Easter and Passover holiday, God Bless

Beliefs Part One

Beliefs Part Two

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