Saturday, 31 May 2008

It has been a long gap since we posted the Spring GA videos but we have had a lot happen in that short space of time. The work is going forward and we are having lots of feed back form the Spring GA witch is great. We have had the opportunity to get Apostle Elder David Smith to answer some questions that were emailed to us the video for that is found below. We have also updated the GA with the remaining minutes of the Assembly for you all to see. We would also like to thank everyone for their positive comments made on the email and on you tube. May we also take the time to thank all those that leave negative comments as well, because the more we have of those the more we know that this work is what the lord wills, we welcome all forms of communication but if you have nothing constructive to add then please refrain form leaving comment as this takes up the time form people who leave constructive comments or criticism. Once again may God Bless you in the coming week.

Q&A with Apostle Elder David Smith

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