Tuesday, 27 January 2009

It has been a wonderful week for the church with our very first subscription out side of the church for The Times & Seasons. The Times 7 seasons can be ordered form the church for £3.00 a month or you can play for a full year up front. If you are interested in subscribing to The Times 7 seasons then please do not hesitate to contact us and we will sort it out for you.

The church is experiencing a lot of interest form the United States at the moment with many people coming forward and expressing a wish to be united with the church. The church is looking forward to getting out to the United States and baptising those involved and establishing a branch of the church among the people of the United States. The Unites states as the prophet said on Sunday is ‘being prepared once again to hear the truth of all things’ I believe that he is right and that those who have come to us in search of the truth have been led here by the Lord. There are great things due to come forth form the United States and I know that they will come forth form the Lord unto his people.

In this weeks blog I would like to talk to those people who might be reading this blog who have fallen out of favour with any of the Mormon denominations whether it be the LDS or the Cof C or any other Mormon faith. Indeed we would like to address this blog to any one that has stopped going to any church. Elder Michael Clarke has posted a blog on this very subject on his church blog site, that I you might find interesting. I want you all to know that just because you might have had a bad experience with another Mormon faith does not mean that we are all like that, we want you to know that we here ate the latter Day Church of Jesus Christ have something wonderful that we can share with all the world, we want to help you to rediscover your love for the saviour and for the restoration that took place through the prophet Joseph Smith. We want to be able to help rekindled the love that you once felt for the Book of Mormon and for the prophets of that great book of scripture. We want to be able to share our love of the Bible with you and help you come to know Jesus Christ and for you to let him in to your heart once again. Most of all we would love to share the Book of Jeraneck with you, which stands at another testimony of Jesus Christ. The Latter day Church of Jesus Christ has a lot to offer you so get in touch and let’s see if we can’t add to what you already know and help relight that fire.

The Second coming is not far of and we need to be diligent in obeying the laws that the Lord has put down for us. We need to be putting on the whole armour of god and doing what it takes for us to be worthy to stand to meet him at the great days of his return.

To all our members and friends we wish you have a great week and that you keep on with your studies in the gospel. The Lord is with us speaking to us and revealing new truths to us that we should tell to the entire world. To those new investigators that have contacted us we wish you well and we want you to know that the Prophet is ever praying for you that you might be joined with us soon. God Bless you all.

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You are also welcome to join us at our Sunday services, which are held at 10:30 - 1:00 every Sunday. Contact us for details. God Bless and keep you.