Saturday, 1 June 2013

SERMON: The individual and the Holy Ghost

“The Comforter…shall teach them all things that are expedient for them”
D&C 75:10

Our Saviour was very much aware of the void and the anguish men suffer when death parts them from a loved one. Prior to his crucifixion, in his last discourse with his ever loved apostles, he sought to soften the sorrow of his parting. The disciples seemed not to understand. He had been their guide, support, and constant companion for three long years. “Let not your heart be troubled” he said. “In my fathers house are many mansions…I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:1-2). However the apostles who had lived and served with the Saviour for so long still did not understand. They thought they needed nothing more while he was with them, but now he was leaving and they could not follow, at that time at least. In one of the most touching and inspiring utterances from the lips of Saviour came the words, “I will not leave you comfortless….if ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever” (John 14:18, 15-16)
Of course members of the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ know that the one called the comforter, whom Christ promised that the Father would send, was the Holy Ghost, the third member of the great Godhead. The Holy Ghost was to bear witness of the Father and the Son, to lead the disciples to know the truth, and to be a source of reassurance to them as they preached the gospel to the entire world. To the Apostles and Disciples of Christ the Holy Ghost not only gave them consolation, but today he extends blessings of compassion to us when otherwise sorrow would be overwhelming.
Latter Day Mormons have come to understand that the Holy Ghost is a messenger of revelation. This has ever been his mission among the children of God. He gives us a surety that God is our Father and that Christ is our Redeemer.
Latter Day Mormons know that the influence of the Holy Ghost must be cultivated in our own lives and the lives of others. If we do not do this then how can we learn to feel the influence of the Holy Ghost in our lives more regularly. We must remember that we need to take the time to listen to the promptings of the Spirit. The answers to our prayers often come by a still small voice deep within our minds and souls and are discerned by our deepest, innermost feelings. We can and must be guided by the Holy Ghost in the decisions that we take in life, the influence of the Holy Ghost must be cultivated and our hearts prepared to receive the blessings of the Holy Ghost we need to remember that “if we enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye shall do” (2 Nephi 32:5).
The overwhelming lesson that members of the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ must learn and understand is that the Holy Ghost is a testifier of Jesus Christ, he is a witness of all that Christ stands for and teaches and if we want to understand Christ then we must learn to understand the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives and with his help we can not only become better Latter Day Mormons but better people and closer to the throne of God the Father.

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