Saturday, 5 October 2013

Free from Limitations

‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Proverbs 29:18)

As Latter Day Mormons it is important that we express to the world what we believe and why we believe it. With Latter Day Mormon doctrine we will be able to do just that and it will not be open for debate and it will be recorded for all to see.

The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ is free from limitations for it is the church of God and is led by the Law of Revelation. We believe that it is the will of our Father in Heaven to converse with us today and that he is ready to do so just as he was in ancient days. The Latter Day Church does not consider it strange that the Lord should speak to man in this day as he did in ancient of days. Are our Father and his son less interested in man today? Have we advanced so much that we have passed beyond the need of divine help? It was said by one ancient Prophet ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Proverbs 29:18) and another great prophet said ‘Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets’ (Joel 2:28-29).  We proclaim to the world that the Latter Day Church stands alone in the belief that the Father and the Son still reveal themselves and their truth to man as was proclaimed by the ancient prophets.

The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ believe that the Bible does not contain all the revelations given by the Gods and that it contains only fragmentary accounts of the dealings of the Lord with his servants the ancients prophets. The Latter Day Church proclaims that the only Bible that is near to completion is that which was revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith and although his work was cut short on the work in perfecting the Bible we should hold true to what was revealed to him even through it was not completed. We stand and proclaim to the world that the Inspired version of the Bible is the most correct Bible that mankind has in its hands. We believe that through modern day revelation that the Bible will be perfected in these last days and that it will be done under the direction of the Lord through his chosen servant. As we proclaim this there are those that will say that this is further evidence of our fall from the presence of God. However if men will permit reason to guide them in the path of common sense he will have to conclude that there is no reason or justification for the belief that everything that God wished to say to his children is to be found in the pages of the Bible today. Such thinking and false doctrine closes the moth of the almighty denying him the power to speak. These people then populate the myth that there is no need for further revelation in saying that the Bible is complete and in need of no further work. In saying this about the Bible they then hold true to the fact that if this is true of the Bible then it is true for all other forms of scripture. Do we honestly think that the Lord did not have any interest in other peoples outside of the holy land, to speak to them and to guide them by his word? That thought yet again try’s to limit God by mans standards and limitations something that The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ does not do for we know that God has revealed many things unto his children no matter where they may live upon the earth and why shouldn’t their account of the gospel be heard just as the bibles is.

The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ believe that all the essential ordinances of the gospel were changed, modified and corrupted by mans will and not by Gods divine instruction, that the church that was established by God had changed and that as Isaiah proclaimed, men were drawing near to the Lord with their lips but their hearts were far from him (Isaiah 29:13).  We hold true to the belief that the church in ancient days had become so corrupt that the heavens were opened and a restoration was indeed needed to correct what was incorrect and again restore the faith of God. The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ also believe that this is not just a one of occurrence and that when the church of God falls in to apostasy God withdraws his spirit form it and awaits a time to restore it again, this we hold true to today just as in the time of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ stands as the restoration of the gospel of Christ and the Mormon faith. The church of God will be led by revelation and the opening of the heavens and the coming forth of heavenly messengers and with this the restoration of the faith of God. The church of God must be led and blessed with revelation it is by this fruit that we shall know that it is the church of God. The church of God is built upon revelation it lives for revelation and thrives upon it.

Latter Day Mormons know that all the answers to the many mysteries that today surround us can be found in the revealed works of God, which stand as a testament to him and to the Saviour. We do not grope around in the dark searching for answers, we do not go following every tom dick or harry that comes forth proclaiming to have received revelation or indeed follow after imaginary beings or ghosts, no we know the truth and we abide in the truth. Latter Day Mormons are therefore free from error and from those that wish to deceive and draw those away in to error. God is our guide and we follow him and him alone and in doing so we walk in righteousness and in the light and follow is doctrine.

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