As members of the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ and
its highest council we confirm to the world that we are practising Mormons and
have no need to or want to study any Anti- Mormon literature now or at any
time. It would seem that some would have themselves believe that the search for
truth makes one Anti-Mormon. We are NOT Anti-Mormon. We are simply
Many of the members of The Latter Day Church of Jesus
Christ were formally members of the LDS (Utah) Mormon church and after leaving
the LDS (Utah) Mormon church many of us have become vociferous in our approach
to our view of Mormonism and the teaching of the gospel principles taught by
the LDS (Utah) Mormon church that are flawed for example: Polygamy, who can
hold the priesthood, Negros, the Book of Mormon Setting etc.
Regarding our receiving of New Scripture, we wish it to
be known that we have always stated we received the plates containing the Book
of Jeraneck from a Heavenly messenger who bought them to our home. As a church
we find it difficult to understand why LDS (Utah ) Mormons pour scorn on us as they hold
so dear to the story of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Perhaps they would have
looked scornfully upon our dear Prophet Josephs story if they had been around
in his day just as they do the history of The Latter Day Church of Jesus
Christ. We proclaim to the world that Joseph Smith is not the sole property of
the LDS (Utah )
Mormon church he belongs to every Mormon no matter their sect, indeed he
belongs to the whole world.
Regarding those individuals who continually point out
spelling errors in the early print runs of the Book of Jeraneck as proof of it
not being from God and not inspired of Him, perhaps it might do them good to
look at the early editions of the book of Mormon produced by Joseph Smith in
1830 and beyond. The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ does not believe that
errors of this nature detract at all from either of these Books messages.
The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ declare to the world
that no member of the family of our Prophet whilst members of the LDS (Utah ) Mormon Church has
ever been excommunicated from that church. The reason for leaving was purely of
a spiritual nature for some and for others they could no longer sustain the
Brighamite teachings of the LDS (Utah )
Mormon Church.
Finally we would like to re-emphasise our stance
regarding Scripture. We take as our Standard works of Gospel study, The Book of
Mormon (this book does not belong to the LDS church). The 1835 edition of the
Doctrine and Covenants (this was the last edition approved by Joseph Smith and
the voice of the church before his death). The Inspired Version of the Bible in
full not fragments. The Book of Jeraneck which like the Book of Mormon is
another testament and witness of Christ born by people of the Northern
hemisphere (Great Britain )
who were led there by God from the time and place of the tower of Babel .
Once again we invite all, everyone, even those
disaffected LDS (Utah )
Mormons to come and investigate our church; we have a living Prophet, Seer,
Revelator, and Translator. Come and hear the truth of the gospel of Jesus
Christ and hear what the Lord wants from you.
The Office of The Prophet of The Church