Saturday 14 June 2014

A Call to Harvest for the Lord

Each of us as Latter Day Mormons has a solemn obligation to, first, understand by the Spirit what has been said about the mission of the Church; second, to catch the prophetic vision of missionary work and third, to implement completely in our own lives the words of the Lord and of His living Prophet pertaining to missionary work. The most important counsel and direction on missionary work comes to us through the Lord himself to his Prophets, for the Prophet is literally the mouthpiece of the Lord. So stated the Lord: “For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth. In all patience and faith” (D&C 21:5)

I testify to you by the power of Spirit that we, indeed all of use who are members of the church should stand as living testimonies of what the Lord would have us do today. I fear that unless we fully understand the words of Prophets past and Prophets present and catch the vision of missionary work, and implement the words of the Lord, we will be held accountable before God. I also fear that we have not yet done what the Lord would have us do as directed to us in his revelations concerning missionary work. The Lord has asked his church that we place great emphasis on the sacredness of bringing those souls unto our Father in Heaven and the importance of greatly increasing our convert baptisms. The Lord has given us much direction on this matter in fact he spoke to John and Peter Whitmer on this very issue, he said, “And now, behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father.” (D&C 15)

As a Church, we have not yet caught that vision. Members are not bringing people and ultimately members into the Church year on year. We have not yet met the challenge and charge laid out by the Lord. As far as convert baptisms are concerned, we have only been converting a few people a year for the last six years. Although those that we have had the privilege of converting and bring to the waters of baptism are still with us, I say to you and to all our members wherever they may be, that we must have more converts. They must be well converted. No gimmicks to get baptisms. They must be real converts, but we do want more converts. It is imperative that we do as the Lord commands and bring souls unto Christ and bring them unto his church. For we have the whole truth, not part, but the whole truth and we should be happy to share this truth with others.

I call upon the members of The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ to actively go out into the world - not merely to make friends for the Church, though that is important - but to properly convert and baptise. “He that believeth and is baptized must be saved.” (Mark 16:16.) Note that the scripture says not he that heareth, but he that believeth and is baptised, and that is the important part. For if we sit back in complacency and do nothing, then the Lord's Church will not grow, tithing will remain stagnant, and so the Church will remain stagnant and wither on the vine, and do we want this? Is it what we are here to do? I say it is not! And what will we say when we stand before the Lord as he calls us forward at judgment? Shall we stand and say, “Lord I tried, but it was too hard, I had other priorities”, or shall we stand and say, “I did as you commanded. I ploughed the field that was white and ready for the harvest; I spoke and I went out; I laboured hard in your name.”

Let me put it this way, and please take the time to think about this before answering yourself. Do we really believe in revelation given today? If so, then why can we not accept the revealed Word of God? He has revealed to us that we should look on the fields; for they are white and ready to harvest (John 4:35.) It has been ready since the inception of the Church under our dear Prophet, Brother Joseph, who was commanded to restore Christ’s Church in these Latter Days. He has asked us again in modern day scripture to go out and harvest the field. (D&C 14:2)

My beloved brothers and sisters we have been given revelation in the form of great new scripture, who are we to withhold that blessing from the world? Who are we to deny them a chance at salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ and his Church? I ask each and every one of you, and I will include myself, to set for our church a goal that we shall get up and go out in to the world to endeavour to bring souls unto the Lord and to impart what has been given us as a gift by Almighty God. We live in an age where the possibilities of contacting people are endless, we have at our disposal one of the greatest tools that God has seen fit to bestow upon the mind of man, that gift is the World Wide Web. This great invention did not come about by accident but by the design and will of God, and this gift that we have today allows us to reach out to countries and people that we would have not time enough to see in our mortal probation. With this great gift the church is able to have at its disposal a wonderful new website, social networking tools such as face book and twitter and media outlets such as YouTube where we can talk to hundreds if not thousands of people. Don’t be shy in using these tools they are there for a reason and for us it is to harvest the field that has been ready for such a long time. Use what the Lord has given us; our age is wondrous, use its wonders for the greater glory of God.

Let us act now today in obedience so faithfully, that the Lord, in the final day, shall say to each and every one of us with not one thought of hesitation, “Well done, good and faithful servant… you have served me well.” (Matt. 25:21; Book of Jeraneck 9:12)


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