Many of us as Latter Day
Mormons think we know all there is to know about the serpent in the Garden of
Eden and the fruit he offered Eve. But do we really? Let us stop for a minute
and let us take a closer look at the detail, because as the famous saying goes,
the devil is in the detail. So let us as ourselves what does the Bible really
reveal about that creature whose temptation brought our fallen state upon
We are all familiar with
the sorry events of when our first parents rebelled against their Creator or
are we really that familiar with the story, wait didn’t it go something like
this? One sunny day Eve was walking through the trees admiring the luscious
fruit and plants that God had placed throughout the Garden, when suddenly she
heard a voice. Turning, she saw that the words came from a snake. No big deal,
right. Many animals talked in the garden before the fall. Eve was innocent, so
she never suspected a sinister and evil scheme and readily engaged in
Wait! Stop! Hold on. That’s
not what happened, well, not exactly. You see, as Eve was walking through the
garden admiring the creation of God a mighty angelic being approached her and
struck up a discussion. After all we all know that Eve had regularly seen
angels in her untainted home in Eden ,
so she had no reason to be wary. Whoa! Whoa hang on a
moment that’s not in the Bible either is it? Eve was helping Adam tend the
garden when she accidentally wandered away from Adam and came too close to the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan saw his him moment and seized the
opportunity to deceive Eve by possessing a serpent and speak to her, that’s how
it happened, Right?
As Latter Day Mormons it
is important that we separate God’s Word from our conjectures no matter how wonderful
they may sound or how plausible they may seem. We must remember that when we are
talking about Biblical events, like David and Goliath, we often assume we know
what happened, that is until someone asks, “But
where’s that in the Bible?” It is at that moment that we realise that much
of what we think we know as fact did in fact come from teachers, books, or
movies we’ve encountered over the years, and not from the Scriptures.
In the case of the events
in the Garden of Eden where does Genesis actually identify Eve’s deceiver as
the devil? What kind of serpent talks? Was the serpent in a tree? And why
wasn’t Eve shocked to hear a talking creature? All these questions are relevant
but in many cases are not supported by the scriptures and to many of us can
seem a bit of a shock when we find that what we thought we knew was in fact
fantasy. It is only natural that in our effort to make sense of these scenes
from history that have been left with many holes we try based on the limited
perspective of our own lives to fill in the details, however we must remember
to be very careful. It is so very important for Latter Day Mormons, as we proclaim
the privilege of being led by God and revelation that we remember to separate
God’s Word from our conjectures.
So let us ask ourselves
and cast our minds back to the three examples I gave at the beginning of this
sermon and ask ourselves if any of these three examples closely represent what
happened? What do we really know about the details and events of that moment?
The answers largely depend in many cases on who you ask. So with that in mind
let’s us see who promoted each of these three views to see if they had any
biblical support to help us identify the creature. Since the answers shed light
on the interaction between humans and the evil “powers” that attempt to draw us
into sin, our proper understanding is vitally important to our walk with God
(see Ephesians 5:15; 2 Corinthians 2:11).
The first question asked
is was The Serpent Just an Animal? Well some early Jewish writers did not think
Satan was behind the temptation of eve at all, after all, Satan’s name does not
appear in the Genesis account of any of the Bibles apart from our own, the JST.
They believed because of there inaccurate scriptures that the serpent itself
tempted Eve and the craftiness of this particular animal led to Eve’s fall into
sin. It is written in the Book
of Jubilees, written before the New Testament and of historical interest
although not part of the Bible, states that on the day Adam and Eve were kicked
out of the garden God closed the mouths of all living things “so that they could no longer speak: for
they had all spoken . . . with one tongue” (Jubilees 3:28). Another account written by the Jewish historian
Josephus repeated this popular Jewish idea, writing that God “also deprived the serpent of speech, out of
indignation at his malicious disposition towards Adam. Besides this, he
inserted poison under his tongue, and made him an enemy to men.”
We need to remember that
most of what the world now knows about Satan comes from New Testament writings,
as they do not have the inspired version of the Bible given to us by God. The
New Testament links “the serpent” to Satan several times (Revelation 12:9 and 20:2;
and also 2 Corinthians 11:3–15). The most popular view
among Christians today is that Satan possessed the body of a serpent. This
position combines the strengths of the other two views while minimising the
difficulties it brings up scripturally. As Latter Day Mormons we have been blessed
with the JST Bible and we know that Satan was responsible in a very real sense,
but we also have the witness of the New Testament which indicates this as well
(John 8:44).
In concluding this sermon
may I remind each and everyone of us that things are not always as they seem at
first glance in the scripture which is why God blesses us with the spirit and
also with Prophets to help us and to guide in the right paths? This often
becomes apparent when we study the Scriptures in detail. In the case of the
serpent in the Garden of Eden, many questions remain unanswered to those
without prophets to guide them or fulfilled scripture to aid them, however we
should still remain tentative in answering them. Either we lack sufficient
understanding, or the Holy Spirit chooses not to divulge enough information for
us to be conclusive, that is the state in which we find ourselves. While it is
intriguing to think about the serpent’s appearance and it is important to
consider the ways in which the devil works (2 Corinthians 2:11), a far more
important concern is how he was able to deceive the first woman and how Satan
continues even today to tempt people to doubt the Word of God today and the
Gospel today Just as in the days of Adam and Eve. Let us not forget that Satan
was able to led Eve to question the reliability of God’s statements (“Did God really say . . .”), the enemy of
creation and God is currently attacking the reliability of the early chapters
of Genesis, with similar deadly results. There are many believers who have fallen
for his deception and have opted to reinterpret or ignore the biblical view of
the origin of the human family. This continued attack has had devastating
results because it undermines our very understanding of biblical authority and
the basis of the gospel of Christ and the message of eternal salvation. Let us
as Latter Day Mormons learn from the mistake of our mother Eve, and take a firm
stand on God’s side and on the revelation of life and the human family
contained in Genesis. Let us not forget for one moment that God meant what He
said, and we need to believe it today and for ever in our quest to return to be
with him again.
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