Friday, 3 October 2014

Official Church News Release: Zion's Camp Building Fund

As many of you will know we have been trying for sometime to raise funds for the church to start work on Zion's Camp, a self sufficient community based on the principle's of the law of consecration. However it has been difficult for us to do this in the past, but now with the power of multi-media and social networking and the power of the internet we are sure that the time is now right for the church to start a fund raising campaign to help us raise the funds that we need to get off the ground. We have set up a Zion's Camp building fund campaign with indiegogo and we hope that we may meet with success, even if we don't raise all our total goal I hope that whatever we raise we may be able finally start the establishment of Zion's Camp.
To find out more please visit and donate.

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