Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The Christmas Season Is Upon Us!

Once again we find ourselves only a few week until we celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ but already we find ourselves beginning to revel in the Christmas season. As a church family we fully engage with the season of Christmas and all that it has to offer us both temporally and most important of all spiritually. December is a month where we mark the celebration of Christ's birth in our Nativity Sunday Special where all of the gathered congregation including the children are involved in this special celebration and season by singing carols and reading from the Nativity story. Our Nativity Sunday will be taking place on Sunday the 14th and will not include Sunday School in the programme ,this gives us the opportunity to concentrate on the Nativity and the spirit of the season and allows us to wear our festive clothing and sing Christmas carols and read the Nativity story, it is at this time that the spirit of the Lord is keenly felt by all.

In the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ December is also the month were we mark or winter General Assembly, which almost always includes a festive agenda and once again allows us to indulge in the spirit of the season. This years winter General Assembly will take place on Sunday the 21st of December and will include address from the presiding presidency of the church. This meeting helps bring to an end a year of services and worship and rounds of the year in the wonderful spirit of Christmas which helps see us through to the next year when we all meet again for regular Sunday services.

We hope you will join with us this Christmas season in recognising that it is Christ that takes centre stage in our very thoughts and actions. So in the spirit of the season, which warms our hearts and our spirits to give a little more, smile a little more and listen a little more we wish all of you wherever you maybe a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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You are also welcome to join us at our Sunday services, which are held at 10:30 - 1:00 every Sunday. Contact us for details. God Bless and keep you.