Sunday, 15 February 2015

Official Statement: Baptism of Brother Paul Barber

Dear brothers and sisters. What a wonderful day we have been blessed with today. It is our pleasure to inform you all that after a spirit filled service this Sunday, the 15th of February 2015 in the early afternoon Brother Paul Barber took the first step on his road to fellowship with Christ by being baptised. Brother Paul was so filled with the spirit that he asked to be baptised following our sacrament meeting. The baptism took place in a stream not to far from our meeting place, although not ideal it served its purpose in allowing brother Paul to be baptised by immersion. The spirit was in abundance and all who participated felt overcome. Following the baptism of brother Paul the presiding Elders bestowed the Holy Spirit and set Paul apart as a member of the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ.
Today truly has been a wonderfully spiritual day, a day that all who were part of the occasion will not forget for many years to come.

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