Saturday, 7 February 2015

Sermon: Choose The Latter Day Church

The main reason you should choose to worship and join with The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ is because the work of the Church as restored by Joseph Smith in 1830 still lies undone and the work has need of willing hands.  Indeed it must be understood that Zion is yet to be redeemed in the eyes of the Lord.  We at the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ testify that Jesus Christ restored His church to earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1830, gracing it with the Saviour's pristine gospel, returning His original ordinances and authorising new Apostles and Prophets to proclaim the glad tidings of the gospel.  The Restoration of 1830 began with the revelation that scattered Israel would be gathered in and cleansed. The Lord even provided a book, written by an ancient remnant of native Americans of North America to facilitate that work. Translated by the gift and power of God, the Book of Mormon is one of the foremost witnesses to the Restoration.  Its appearance, coupled with marvellous manifestations of spiritual gifts similar to those endowing the apostolic church, attracted thousands to the restored church and to the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Today the Lord has seen fit to finally redeem Zion and also to call forth those that are willing to shine a light upon the truth and so he has called a new Prophet and Seer and has brought forth new scripture to help redeem Zion and his church. The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ stands as the only true church of Christ upon the face of the earth and it is through the Lords anointed Prophet that he has given us direction and has set right what was once torn down and has made what was hidden once again to stand in the light of truth. So with this the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ is established and has brought forth new scripture called the Book of Jeraneck which stands as a witness to Christ along with the Bible and the Book of Mormon and we are ready to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father of us all even God and to bring the world his truth and light again the path of mankind even unto salvation.
Now The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ welcome in fellowship those who wish to join with us from around the world to become members of The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ and members of the Lord's Restored Church for this age. We welcome those to membership who are committed to leading Latter Day Mormon and Christian lives, who accept our Articles of Faith, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the teachings of the Prophet of Joseph Smith, Jr. and the leadership and moral guidance of the living Prophet in our day who has been called to stand in brother Josephs stead, Matthew P. Gill. All Members of The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ agree to support the Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ financially by regular tithing and donations, according to one's conscience, and to support it spiritually by upholding it by prayer, sacrifice and to worship regularly with others who are joined in membership. As you learn more about the restored gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will experience feelings of peace and comfort. Some of our members have expressed that they feel a familiarity with the truths they are being taught and feel that they are coming home. If you have a desire to follow Christ’s restored teachings and obey His commandments, you are encouraged to contact the church and the Prophet will introduce you to the basic principles of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Then, when you are ready, you can become a member of The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ after you have been received in to the ordinance of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins. It is after baptism that hands will be placed upon your head and it is then that you will be confirmed as a member of the Church and a blessing will be placed upon you that you may receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (see Acts 8:18-20).
As a member of The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ, you belong to a young but growing congregation of dedicated members. While at church you are taught the truths contained within the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, you will have many opportunities for service, have access to the living Priesthood and all its ordinances, and find fellowship with other Latter Day Mormons within the church, it is there that you have a Prophet and teachers who help to teach you and serve you. Another promise of membership is the promise to serve. Having callings extended or responsibilities within the church is a wonderful blessing and opportunity. When you serve, you will grow spiritually and temporally and you will experience the joy of following Jesus's example in service. As a member of the church you will form friendship and love with those you serve as you reach out to help others on the path to eternal life in the kingdom of the Father. As you serve within the church you will find that you will be strengthened on your journey that you started at baptism. There are many ways that you can serve in The Latter Day Church. You may be asked to teach a Sunday class, lead the congregational singing, organise social activities, coordinate food storage preparedness, or fulfil a variety of other responsibilities. In addition to whatever formal assignments you receive, you can often serve best by just being a friend to the members of the church congregation, as well as those not of our faith. We must remember that as members of The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ we are blessed to be guided in our day just as the early saints in the 1830’s and 40’s by a living Prophet who receives ongoing revelation from God. We know that Gods plan is a plan of happiness and that if we are faithful, He will give us peace in this life and glorious blessings in the life to come. It is in these truths we find joy, and for these reasons we help one another on our journey.
If you are interested in joining with us please contact us via our contact page and we will do all we can to assist you on your path to the restored gospel.

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You are also welcome to join us at our Sunday services, which are held at 10:30 - 1:00 every Sunday. Contact us for details. God Bless and keep you.