Much of what we
take for granted in this church comes from the very foundation that God speaks
to us, that he does indeed minister and revel things to us as his Latter Day
Church . There are many
things that we cling to in assurance that we are His people and much that we
take for granted. One such thing is the gathering to Zion . many people speak of this as it is a
forgone conclusion that the time will come when the call will go forth and all
the righteous saints, no matter their denomination will heed and follow. I do
not agree with this for many reasons, some of which are to many to mention in
this sermon. However the gathering is one of the most seminal points on which
the restored gospel is based, it is or was the life blood of the restoration,
until things fell apart and the church was scattered and things changed and
people imprinted their own world view upon the restoration and what it meant
and why. In this next segment, which I have taken and altered myself for our
church i would like to try and explain why it is still important and why it is
still very much necessary for us to remember that the Lord has commanded that
it is our Duty to gather to Zion when the Call comes.
This proclamation
is created to help principled people find safe places to take there families
during the days of tribulation that are ahead of us. Without this information
you will most likely be forced to take up the sword against your neighbours in
order to protect your family and your property. This document will help you to
understand what it means to be free and how you retain your freedoms. This
document will help you understand where to gather, when you should be prepared
to start your journey, what you should bring with you when you come, what you
should expect when you arrive, and who should come.
In the course of
events of all free nations, there comes a time when men must stand up for the
principles of Liberty .
If they fail to stand they will find themselves in bondage to evil men who will
create evil government in the attempt to subjugate their citizens. For such men
to gain power they must remove God so that evil can fill the void left when God
is removed from society. These evil men are surrogates for Satan. They do not
want you to believe in God, to pray to God or to worship God. They will teach
you that there is no sin. They will pass laws that repress your religions
beliefs. They will pass laws to prevent you from praying. They will in the
course of time, take away your Freedom of Speech. They will control your
schools so that they can indoctrinate your children in their wicked ways. They
will control your judges. They will control the media so that there is no voice
of opposition. They will burden you with heavy taxes that are hard to bear and
with those tax’s they will buy up unions, special interests groups, and other
government officials all in a attempt to deprive you of your Liberty. They will
pass laws to murder unborn children causing young mothers to suffer spiritual
death and to look fearfully forward to their day of judgement. These evil men
are in the gall of bitterness and the bonds of iniquity and in due time, shall
suffer the wrath of a just God.
Many men do not
realize that Freedom is based on Eternal Principles. Principles that were true yesterday
are true today and will be true forever. If you fail to live those principles
you will lose your freedom and you will be in bondage. For example, if there is
no law against theft, so that anyone can steal your property at any time, are
you free? Likewise, if there is no law against adultery so that any man can rob
you of your wife and destroy the lives of your children, are you free? God
created the laws upon which Freedom and Liberty
are based and gave them to all of his children. If you will be free you must
live the laws that preserve and protect and create Freedom. These are Eternal
Laws that come from a loving Father in Heaven. When you fail to live these laws
you are in bondage.
God will sweep the
wicked off the face of the earth when they are ripened in iniquity and that
will of course lead God to pour out the fullness of his wrath. In the days of
Noah when God poured out the fullness of his wrath the wicked died, all of them
died. In Matthew Chapter 24 the Saviour tells us that he will cause a great
tribulation to come upon the inhabitants of the earth, that except those days
shall be shortened none shall be saved but for the elects sake those days shall
be shortened. In this scripture, relating to our time, the Saviour tells us
that the wicked will be destroyed by famines, pestilence and earthquakes. Latter day
revelations have warned us that these days will come as a result of economic
failures by bad government and at a time when our liberties are being destroyed
by evil practices and principles. Remember that when people become wicked they
elect wicked rulers and soon Freedom is gone and bondage remains. Freedom can
only survive when righteous principles are lived. Joseph Smith Jr
said:- ‘without Zion, and a place of deliverance, we must fall; because the
time is near when the sun will be darkened, and the moon turn to blood, and the
stars fall from the heaven, and the earth reel to and fro. Then, if this is the
case, and if we are not sanctified and gathered to the places God has appointed,
with all our former professions and our great love for the Bible, we must fall;
we cannot stand; we cannot be saved; for God will gather out his Saints from
the Gentiles, and then comes desolation and destruction, and none can escape
except the pure in heart who are gathered’.
you see from the words of our first Latter Day prophet Joseph Smith Jr
wickedness will destroy this all nations. The only safety will be to flee to
those who have accepted and lived the principles of righteousness. I know that this is not what the world wants
to hear and it is probably not what you want to hear but the only safe and
secure place you can take your families when mob rule is upon us, is to where
the Saints have gathered. Where is that and how will living with the Saints
make me safe? The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ is the Lord's church restored to the
earth by Jesus Christ through a young 14 year old boy by the name of Joseph
Smith Jr. All the ordinances, doctrines, and principles of the gospel have been
revealed to Joseph and now to a modern day living prophet. God has warned his
people through his prophet of the destruction that is upon us. He has commanded
us to store food and clothing for this time of tribulation. We are completely
aware that we will be providing safety and security for each other. Many people
form other Churches despise our efforts. Due to the persecutions they have
heaped upon us, they have a lot to lose if we are God's People and I proclaim
with every fibre of my being, we are his people.
The Lord through his church has designated two specific gathering places for
the Saints; they are of course the main permanent settlement in Missouri in the United
States and also Zion ’s
Camp in Scotland in the United Kingdom which will serve as a gathering
place for those who will be chosen to proceed to Missouri . However so for now let me tell you
that you will need to go to the places that the lord has commanded are to be
established for the gathering places of the saints in order for them to be
preserved in times of tribulation. I think this is your only secure option. If
you can find members in your area and can ask them to keep you informed as to
any direction given to them by the church but if you take this approach you may
get caught when the destruction begins.
Who Should
Gather to Zion & Zion ’s Camp
This is my list of the kind of people who would want to live among the Saints. The wordZion in this text refers to where "The
Pure in Heart" dwell.
This is my list of the kind of people who would want to live among the Saints. The word
- You believe there is a God of Heaven and that he loves his Children.
- You believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He Suffered for the sins of those who repent.
- You believe in living a righteous life (i.e. The Ten Commandments etc.)
- You love your family and will sacrifice your own safety to protect them.
- You love your fellow man.
- You love Freedom and Righteousness.
- You are not one of those who persecute God's people or his Prophets.
How should
You prepare to Gather to Zion & Zion’s Camp
- You must be prepared to leave immediately when you see society turning into mob rule. When people are rioting and plundering the stores and looting in the big cities you can not delay, you must leave. In my opinion you will only have a few days. If you wait you will not be able to obtain petrol for your journey nor will you be able to get substantial food to take with you and you may have to take up the sword to defend your family.
- Determine now where you will be going and purchase enough petrol to get there.
- Purchase survival food right now for one year. This would include wheat, rice, beans, sugar and oats. You need 400 lbs of survival food per adult per year. You need this to make it easier for you to fit into a community of people who have already stored food. So that it is not hard for people to share the food they have stored for their children, we will be storing food centrally in the Bishops store house, this way everyone gets according to their needs, not their wants. You can find good places to purchase your food by contacting the church direct. You can contact the church by email 24 hours a day. You can also search for "Food Storage" on the web.
- If it is time to leave and you do not have the food you need, start your journey anyway, and get away from the big cities or the coastal areas. If you get to one of the gathering places without food do not worry you will be taken care of.
- There are many survival items that you will need to have. Some of them are: medications, extra pairs of jeans, work shirts, work socks, thermals, walking shoes, boots, gloves, coats, bedding, sleeping bags, feminine products, bathroom products, plastic cooler, paper plates, matches, forks, and knifes.
- If you have two cars or a trailer you may need them to bring all of your food and survival items. If this is the case make sure you have enough petrol to make your destination. There are many people who will be walking and you do not want to be one of them.
- When you arrive you will need a place to stay. Everyone will be given a place to live with their family. Be aware that this will not be what you have left behind. You may very well be living in a bell tent for a while before other possibilities can be worked out. You may be living in with a family of saints. You may be in a trailer or caravan.
What Laws Will We Live in Zion
First we must live the laws of God and live righteous principles. Nations are not only governed by Law, they are preserved by Law. Where there is no law or the laws are not enforced, there can be no Freedom. A Nation that does not enforce its laws will cease to be a free Nation and chaos will ensue.
First we must live the laws of God and live righteous principles. Nations are not only governed by Law, they are preserved by Law. Where there is no law or the laws are not enforced, there can be no Freedom. A Nation that does not enforce its laws will cease to be a free Nation and chaos will ensue.
Second, these gathering places that we call Zion
and Zion ’s Camp
are choice above all other lands and places. They are to be an “Ensign of
Freedom", the "Light on the Hill" for the entire world to see. Zion and Zion ’s
Camp are these things because they were created by God for a special purpose
and it they are to be established upon Eternal Principles. The Freedom of
Religion and the Freedom of Speech allow us to teach righteous principles to
all of Gods Children, to prepare the way for the Second Coming of the Saviour,
when all men in all nations will be free and peace will reign upon the face of
the whole earth. God established this church to help prepare the way for the
coming of the Lord. We alone can not stop the ravages of the wicked. Only God
can do this. The famines, pestilence, and plagues will wipe the wicked off the
face of the earth and the righteous will be left to inherit the earth. So what
laws will we live in Zion and Zion ’s Camp? We will live the laws of God,
the laws of righteousness, the laws that insure our Freedom and Liberty.
The Latter Day Church
of Jesus Christ
The Office of The
Prophet of The Church