Tuesday, 14 January 2020

What Makes The Restored Branch Different From All The Rest

I am often asked what the difference is between our Branch and other churches or branches in the Restoration, latter Day Movement.

In answering this question I like first to draw attention to things that we have in common. The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ follows and believes in Christ. We testify of him and we teach of Him and center our lives on Him. We believe in The Book of Mormon. We hold it as scripture as do many if not all those in the Restoration Movement, The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ are no different. We believe in the divine calling of The Prophet Joseph Smith. We hold him as the first Prophet of the Restoration. We believe in the restoration of the fullness of the Gospel. We believe in the events of the First Vision and the translating of the ancient record of the Nephites. We believe in the plan of salvation outlined by the Prophet Joseph Smith. We believe in and hold as scripture the Doctrine and Covenants and revelations given to the Prophet Joseph Smith. We use the Inspired Version of The Bible like many others within the movement. We believe in many of the same things as most of those involved in the Restored Gospel.

However the main difference between The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ and the rest of the restoration movement is that we believe that the heavens are not closed to us that God continues to give revelation through a living Prophet. This has led to one of the biggest differences between our Branch and the rest of the restoration movement. The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ has been given new scripture to stand with The Book of Mormon the Inspired Version of The Bible and the Doctrine and Covenants. This new book of Scripture is called The Chronicles of The Children of Araneck.

The Chronicles of The Children of Araneck contains two records. One written by a Prophet called Jeraneck and the other by his son who was called Rayaneck. Both the Book of Jeraneck and The Book of Rayaneck are contained with The Chronicles of The Children of Araneck. The Chronicles of The Children of Araneck were translated by Matthew Gill, Prophet, Seer, Revelator and Translator of the Branch in 2006 and 2015.

Throughout history much has been written concerning those who once lived upon the Isles of Great Britain in the era some call the pre-history of the world. Much has been spoken of the people that built Stonehenge, Woodhenge and all the other stone monuments and burial grounds that are found throughout the lands of Great Britain, however not one of these so called historians has had any record or writing to base their claims and ideas on. Now a record has come forward written by those that lived anciently upon the land of Great Britain between the years 3000 B.C until 700 B.C and much of what they have written will shock and destroy many of the false ideas that many of these learned men of the world have had to say concerning the past of those that lived long ago upon the land of Great Britain.

The Chronicles of The Children of Araneck stands as the record of a dying civilisation of early Britain which had constructed Stonehenge and the other stone circles, hill forts and burial mounds and other such places as meeting places and places of worship of Almighty God, the same God who brought them from the Tower of Babel to Britain to have them serve Him as His People. The Chronicles of The Children of Araneck answers fundamental questions that have perplexed historians for centuries, like: - What were the early peoples of Britain like? Where did they come from? What did they believe? And who built the ancient Megaliths like Stonehenge - and for what purpose?

This ancient record witness of Christ and speaks of Him and testifies of Him. It glories in the gospel of Jesus Christ and testifies that he will be born and lives and die for us.  The Chronicles of The Children of Araneck is as special to The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ as all the other books of Scriptures that we use. However it is the one big thing that makes us so very different.

We have been charged to take this record unto all the world and we have. However so much still has to be done to bring this record to those who have yet to hear about it. It is the continuing mission of The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ to bring this record to the entire world. It was our first charge and remains our most important mission. We encourage you to read the record for yourselves and ask God the Eternal Father if the things you have read are true. We know if you have been sincere in your study and your heart is true that He will indeed reveal the truth of this ancient record to you.

The Restored Branch of Jesus Christ stands as the only organisation within the Restoration to bring forth new scripture and we are very honoured that the Lord and our Father in Heaven have seen fit to allow us this honour.

For more information on this ancient record and to obtain a PDF of the record please visit our website www.restoredbranch.com

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