Its is a great blessing
that we have in the Latter Day Church to know that God does indeed live, that
he is alive and that Christ is his only begotten Son not only in spirit but
also in flesh and that he is the Saviour of the world. However we must all of
us remember that we have not learned all that there is to know about him or the
Father, neither is it possible for all of us to learn all we need to in this
mortal life, it is impossible for us all to know everything about them or to
fully comprehend their being. For many of us it is enough to know that Jesus is
the Christ and that he took upon himself all the sins of this world and that
the Father is our Father in spirit and that he rules in his place. For many of
us when we enter in to the presence of God the Father and his Son many of us
will be crowned with exhalation and the glory and promise and the sure
knowledge that comes with it. However until we do enter into their most perfect
presence and receive this most wonderful of blessings for many of we will not
fully know the only true God and Jesus Christ in their entirety.
For Latter Day Mormons
the scriptures give us a guiding light however in to some aspects of the God
head and the nature of the beings that make up this most glories leadership.
The scriptures show us the personality of God, for example the Saviour said in
John ‘My Father is greater than I’ (John 14:28) and in Luke he invited the disciples
to touch him after the resurrection and to handle him and se what had transpired
‘A spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have’ (Luke 24:39). It is
understood by us all that Man was created in the image of God and that this was
to be taken in the literal sense not just as a mystical utterance but as a real
and indeed personal statement by the creator and as Latter Day Mormons we know
that we are created in the image of God and that as we are create din his image
much of his personality is indeed in us.
Much of the personality
of God is questioned today, it is questioned that he even lives at all and to
us as followers of God the Father and his Son it can seem very absurd that such
as thing is questioned, however it must be remembered that man does not have
all wisdom and knowledge and that many men believe that they have and try to
explain away things that they do not understand, however we know that God has
all wisdom and knowledge and that he stands supreme above all. To all who are
doubting let me ask you this do we believe that God has all wisdom? If so then
he is absolute. If there is something he does not know then he is not absolute
in wisdom and to think such a thing is absurd and lacks faith. The nest question we need to ask is doe she
have all power? If so then there is nothing in which he lacks. If he is lacking
in wisdom and power then he is not supreme and there must be something greater
than he, and this is again absurd and lacing in faith. Our scriptures give us
the answer to this question without question. In the book of Mormon for example
Nephi the Prophet says ‘O how great the holiness of our God! For he knoweth all
things, and there is nothing save he knows it’ and the same again in the
D&C when the Lord himself speaks and says ‘The Spirit of truth is of God. I
am the spirit of truth, and John bore record of me, saying he received a
fullness of truth, yea, even of all truth’ (D&C 93:21-26) and finally the
Prophet Alma said of God ‘Great is our Lord, and of great power his
understanding in infinite’
For us it is a Joy to
know who the Father is and who our Christ is and he is everlasting and they together
form an everlasting truth that will never be extinguished. No matter if we keep
the truth and guard it or it is passed to other to guard the sacred flame it
will go on forever and ever. However we have been given the task of guarding
that flame and it is up to us to learn as much as we can in this life so that
we may stand before them at the judgment in full knowledge of who they are and
why they are so that we may be able to stand as them at same future time and
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