In The
Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ and as the Prophet of the church I have
always encouraged the church and its members to seek prayerfully to support
parents no matter the type of education they choose for their children,
including state education, independent secular education, independent Christian
schools, and homeschooling.
It will be of concern to many to read
of the report on “Elective Home Education,” compiled on behalf of the
Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) by Graham Badman here in
the United Kingdom .
The areas of specific concern to Christians and indeed Latter Day Mormons (and
many non-Christians) will be the proposed compulsory annual registration of
their children and inspection visits by representatives of the Local Education
Authority (LEA).
In many cases, it is precisely because
of the poor standard of LEA provision that parents have chosen to educate their
children at home. There will also be concern that these proposed inspection
visits should involve conversations between LEA representatives and the child
alone—without the parents present. This latter point is an abuse of parental
responsibility and rights and as we know the Lord puts great store in the
rights of parents in the scriptures both old and new.
home education: the deliverance (in elective home education) or delegation (to
schools) by parents of any and all compulsory educational provision is a legal
duty, not a legal right. It is our legal duty to ensure our children’s
education is suitable and efficient. The education acts confers this duty on
parents, because parents know their children best
and are therefore in a position to ensure the provision is suitable for them.
Mr Badman seems not to have grasped this idea at all; indeed he seems to think
that they, the parents have no clue.
The famous quote from successive
education bills—repeated in the Education Act 1996, Section 7—does indeed refer
to duty:
Duty of
Parents to Secure Education of Children of Compulsory School Age
parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him to receive
efficient full-time education suitable—
(a) To
his age, ability and aptitude, and
(b) To
any special educational needs he may have,
by regular attendance at school or otherwise.
This is in line with the biblical position:
shall teach them [God’s laws] diligently to your children. (Deuteronomy 6:7) Train
up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from
it. (Proverbs 22:6)
And you,
fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the
training and admonition of the Lord.(Ephesians 6:4)
Whichever form of education we choose
for our children, the parents and specifically as indicated in Scripture, the
fathers are responsible, and we will answer to God for the choices we make.
Please let us be firm when we say that
as far as the church is concerned the educational needs of children are first
and foremost the duty of the parent rather than the state. Parents may delegate
this educational responsibility to those whom they trust, but this delegation
in no wise removes their responsibility for the education of their children. Latter
Day Mormon and indeed Christian parents should think long and hard about
whether the teachers at their children’s school are bringing them up according
to the values that the parents want, and if not, then it should be considered a
mistake to send our children into such an environment.
Christians and indeed many believers, whatever their denomination in the UK,
have chosen to home school their children for precisely this reason. In the
past, there has been no reason for parents to need to justify this decision to
the state. The Bible makes no requirement to justify this position and supports
those who take it. In an atmosphere where increasing numbers of Christians feel
that they suffer discrimination for their faith, this report could open up one
more avenue for such discrimination.
As the
prophet of the church it is my wish to see many of the children involved now
with the church or those that will latter be involved with the church to be either
educated by the church in its very own school or to be home schooled, so that
we can indeed educate our children in a way pleasing unto the Lord and so that
we may stand blameless before God when asked what we did for those placed in
our care by the Father.
(Source for Sermon taken from Answers in Genesis)
(Source for Sermon taken from Answers in Genesis)
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